Cancel my account deletion
Can't load my game
How to find Support Team?
How can I transfer my game progress to a new account?
Updates and hot questions!
My Game keeps Freezing/Crashing
How can I link my game account?
How to get more Rating coins?
Treading the Path quest (the third moneybox)
Christmas Trouble Update!
How to delete my Farland game?
How to change name?
How to find my game ID?
How to Request a Refund for In-Game Purchases via Google Play
The game lags on my device! Why?
No response from support
How to get more water?
Lost Edward/Luna/Halvard?
How can I find Aya?
Payment issue/How to contact Xsolla
How to get more sunrunes?
How to get more coins?
How to get more energy?
How to Activate Seasonal Pass quests in the "Medieval Paints" episode?
Can't open the silver chest in episode "Medieval Paints" on mobile
Why are episodes and events unavailable to me?
How can I get Watermill?
What's Theater Stage?
How to use a Fishing boat?
Friends and Friend Book
How to Unfriend or Block player?
How can I exchange(trade) gifts?
What are the numbers near pets icons?