It is true that sometimes certain issues may arise during your gaming. So you should investigate why this is happening and what you can do about it.

Possible causes of game disconnections

In general, the web version of the game disconnects when the browser consumes all the RAM allocated to it. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including:

  1. Numerous open tabs. Each tab consumes memory.
  2. A lot of activity from open web pages. Even if the web browser just has a couple of sites open, if they consume too much of your available resources, the browser will not have enough RAM to execute the game.
  3. Leaving your browser open for an extended period of time without restarting it or emptying the cache.
  4. A malfunctioning computer. The memory used by your browser is taken from your computer's RAM. Your browser may not have enough RAM to work correctly if your computer has poor technical specifications.
  5. Problems with your internet access. It's important to note that the speed of the connection and its stability are not the same thing. Your internet connection may be really fast, but it may also be unreliable. Even tiny pauses in the connection might result in the data packet being lost.

Possible solutions

First, try doing the following:

  1. Close any unnecessary tabs in your browser.
  2. Check to see if your browser has any available updates.
  3. Try to load the game using other web browsers.
  4. Check your internet connection and make sure it is stable.
  5. Turn your VPN on/off to see if the situation changes.
  6. Try to change your game quality to 'low' in the game settings.

If it doesn't work and the game keeps disconnecting, please contact our Farland Support Team with details, describing the situation.

With love,
Your Farland Team