Meet the new game mode - merge mini-game

How to play it?

1.  Here`s a field with resources on the left side.

2. Merge identical resources by dragging them with the mouse cursor. If you need more items, just click on the box in the mddle.


3.  On the right side there are orders waiting for you to complete them. 


You need to connect the resources on the field to get exactly the objects specified in the task. And then click Send!

Also, you can hover over one item to see which items you can get by merging the same particles together.



Useful tips:

  • Don't try to make the final item right away - different orders will require diffrent stages of the particular item.
  • If you have extra items, you can delete them. Choose the item and click on the trash can icon.


  • If you deleted an item by accident, you can bring it back by clicking the return button.


  • After completing the order, you need to wait for a new one. While waiting, you will see what items will be used for the next order.


  • If all resources have run out and some order has not been completed, new resources will be generated again in an hour.

    If you wish, you can click on the box in the middle of the field to skip the wait time for pearls.

    Here is a short video-guide: