Hello, Islanders! 
After the event, we noticed that many players had problems with loading the game or with the correct display of the processes in the game. While we look for a way to fix this for everyone at once, please try to enable your web browser graphics acceleration.

Why should it help?

Graphics acceleration in a web browser makes pictures and animations load faster and look smoother. It helps your computer use its graphics card to do this job instead of just relying on the main computer chip, which can sometimes be slow. So, when you're browsing the internet, things like videos, moving pictures, and playing games will work better and make your experience more enjoyable.

How to enable graphics acceleration in Chrome: 

  1. Open Chrome Browser.

  2. Access Chrome Settings: Click on the three vertical dots located in the top-right corner of the browser window. This will open a drop-down menu. From there, select "Settings."


  3. Navigate to System: In the Settings menu, scroll down to the bottom and click on the "System" option.

  4. Find and Enable WebGL: Scroll down further until you find the "System" section. Look for the option  "Use graphics acceleration when available." Toggle the switch to the "On" position if it's not already enabled. This step is crucial for WebGL to work properly.


  5. Restart Chrome: After enabling hardware acceleration, you'll need to restart your Chrome browser for the changes to take effect. 

Now that you've enabled it, it's time to test it out. Open the game and see if everything is working as expected. You should notice smoother graphics and improved performance now that  graphics acceleration is enabled.

And please let us know if it works!😘