It’s dark around…cold wind moves your hair and the goosebumps… there is some subtle noise, something is there in the forest. You look into the darkness and notice that it starts looking at your… it’s a lemur! But don’t be fooled, it’s not just a lecture, it’s a powerful creature, the one who communicates with spirits. While spirits are quite metaphysical… they also might like to have some things from our world and also give something back!

Build the Spirit Altar and exchange resources for the ones you need!   Search through the available objects on the top and pick the one you need. Notice that there is time needed for the exchange near each resource. Then, at the bottom, pick the resources that are available for exchange. Keep adding them until the progress bar is full, and then you can commit the exchange for some amount of coins.

The Spirits will pay off for your generosity! 👻