Processus de jeu
How to get more water?
Discover ways to boost your water supply with these helpful tips in Farland:Sailor's Collection: Exchange resources within the Sailor's Coll...
Perdu Edward/Luna/Halvard ?
Ne vous inquiétez pas !Vos personnages préférés sont là, occupés à d'autres tâches à la Halte du voyageur.EdwardComme vous le savez déjà, Ed...
Comment puis-je trouver Aya ?
Vous pouvez trouver le personnageAya après avoir atteint le niveau 38. Construisez le pont et atteignez ShallowWater dans la vallée verte. V...
How do I find Highborn Person quest?
Starting from level 44 you can unlock the Autumn Glade area in the Harsh Rocks.In this area, you can find an ambush. Find out who hides ther...
Where can I get a Fish net?
Starting from level 15 it is possible to make a fishnet in a Workshop! Place the fish nets on the water to catch some fish. You ...
What's a Settlers Requests?
A blue exclamation mark appears over settlers’, or characters’ head, in around 5 minutes after loading the game. Click on the cha...
How to do Daily Tasks?
In the game, you have an additional source for earning coins and different resources, and it's called “Daily Tasks”. After reachi...
Friendship Runes and Gifts
It's wonderful when you can make friends and travel to their settlements! And the bonus is receiving useful rewards and gifts from friends.F...
Light and Dark Runes
Being on your friend's island, you can see the “GIFTS” tab in the bottom right corner, where you can find useful gifts for your friends. The...
How to move objects in the game?
You can easily move objects in the game using the Move mode. Click on the "Move" button in the lower right corner of your game screen, and t...
How to rotate objects in the game?
You can rotate objects in the game using the Rotate mode. Click on the "Rotate mode" button in the lower right corner of your game screen, a...
How to plant?
As a real head of a settlement, you need to be able to do all the work, especially when it comes to planting crops. Let us remind you how to...
How to get XP?
You can reach a new level by getting XPs. To earn XP you can do many different game actions, such as completing your quests, planting and ha...
Comment débloquer les Rochers Austères ?
Ça alors ! Vous avez déjà vécu tant d'aventures dans la Vallée Verte et vous êtes devenu le meilleur chef du village!Mais ne vous inquiétez ...
In the game there are different collections. By making them, you get rare resources that you will need in the game, such as salt, nails, wat...
Transfer/Resettle Characters
Do you have a quest to resettle your characters? Or you just want them to travel to another location to help there? You surely can do it! Ju...
As you already know, we want our game to bring you only joy and pleasure 🥰. In Farland, we believe in making your gaming experience as enjo...
Vous ne trouvez pas le dernier scarabée ?
Vous avez reçu un cadeau de Miranda et vous ne pouvez pas cliquer dessus, car un bâtiment est sur le chemin ? Ou le scarabée est derrière le...
Comment déplacer/ranger des objets ? (Version mobile)
Comme vous le savez peut-être, l'interface du site web et de l'application peut être assez différente. Parlons donc du déplacement ou du ran...
Petite, mais brave
Waouh, vous avez exploré si loin dans Farland, et votre établissement prospère à chaque quête ! Pour découvrir de nouveaux territoires et vo...
What are the numbers next to the avatars?
Are you noticing numbers next to your avatar picture and wondering what they represent? We've got good news for you — new avatars are now av...
Personne noble quête
Pour débloquer la quête "Personne noble", il est important de compléter toutes les étapes de la quête "Otage de valeur" au préalable.  ...
Why is There No Fire in the Bonfires? (Mobile version)
If your bonfires are missing flames, it’s likely due to the graphics quality setting. Here’s how to fix it:Solution:To see the fire, switch ...