Welcome to Timeless Port! Here, you can find answers to some common questions players have about this exciting feature.

1. Does Timeless Port affect the new Turkey Blues event?

No, Timeless Port does not impact the Turkey Blues event or the Seasonal Pass. It’s an additional activity that stands separate from the new event. Choosing to play it is entirely up to you; it’s an optional way to challenge yourself and earn extra rewards if you wish.

2. How many levels are there in Timeless Port?

Timeless Port has a total of 3 levels. Each level includes 3 difficulty stages. If you’ve completed them all—congratulations, that’s a fantastic achievement!

3. How does Timeless Port work?

You can find a tutorial directly in the game. Enter Timeless Port, and look to the left for the question mark (?) (see screenshot). This will guide you through how it works. Additionally, we have an animated tutorial available here.

If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out to us. Happy exploring!